Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hey everyone I am so sorry I've been kinda gone lol I've just been a little crazy. So in my last post I said I had a halloween party and so it happened and it failed we ended up leaving and going somewhere else. It sucks cause I put so much work into it but whatevs it was alright.

But that's not what I want to talk about. So I've been saying how I want someone to talk to and text and maybe end up dating or something. Weeeelll I have news! I kinda might have met someone =).

So I was trying something new and did something kinda lame. I posted an ad on and to my surprise some people replied and there was this old guy who was kinda scary and child molesting looking and he was kinda old and not very hot. But there was this other guy who replied. Someone who's the same age as me and we just started emailing and we found out we have sooo much in common. So by this time I knew I wanted to keep talking to him. So we exchanged numbers and started texting!!! Omg right! We ended up texting all night! Like we were up until like 430 in the morning texting! How crazy is that! We have sooo much in common like almost everything we are practicaly the same person. And one of the first things we did was exchange pictures. Just our faces no dirty ones lol. The thing is I kinda told myself I wanted to like the guy before I saw pics so I would make sure I wouldn't see him and say eww and blow them off. But I figured it should be ok. So he sent me a pic and he wasn't bad looking maybe a new haircut but not bad. No zac efron mind you but you know. But we still ended up texting for hours! Then he texted me again today and were texting for hours too!!! how awesome is this!

He also said to me that if I ever wanted to meet and get together it would be on him...awwww! I think I might be seeing an actual date in my future! Since we kinda were thinking about next week. And the cool thing is we are both unemployed so I won't feel like I'm a scrub and he won't feel like a sugar daddy lol. This is soo exciting!

You know what he also said...he said I am the hottest guy he has ever seen! Isn't that soo nice! He's a virgin (like me) he likes boys and girls (like me), he's in the closet (like me) we are soo much alike!

What do you guys think? You guys are who I tell everything to, I share so much in this blog and I love that! So what do you guys think? Meet a guy online and meet up with him? This is so exciting!

But also in my mind is on J. I am constantly thinking about her! But she hasn't texted me back in a while...I wonder why that is...idk it has me a little worried why she hasn't texted me. But I am always thinking about her and how much I like her soooo much! so getting involved with this guy when I'm thinking about J would be kinda bad. I wonder if I would be good at this lol. Dating is a little nerve racking I've never been on a date really. ...... how lame is my life if I'm 19 never been on a

So there's a lot other stuff id want to talk about but I will save it until tomorrow I want to hear what you guys think about this. =)

Thanks guys

Thursday, October 22, 2009 title drawing a blank :D

haven't posted in a few days or gotten the chance to read peoples blogs so fogive me. Lol I've been really busy planning a halloween party I am having this weekend!!! I'm sooo suuper excited for it. Its the first halloween party I've had in my new 5 story house so I'm excited!

Aaaannd something else that's exciting is J is coming!!!!! And sleeping over!!! I mean I'm not expecting anything but I have a lot of situations that could happen and they are all playing in my head like a movie soo I'm really excited to see if anything happens!!!!

So as you may know there has been some drama surrounding J you know with K hating her and me liking her so its gonna be interesting to see them both at my party this weekend =/ I'm not too worried about it. I mean I feel like I shouldn't have to choose between the two....oh well it will be ok. Lol

So part of me wants something to happen between me and J and another part of me doesn't want to because I feel if we do hook up that's all its gonna be....I want a relationship and I want to be able to call someone my boyfriend or girlfriend and then sleep with them....but I think I'm 19 and I feel like its time for me to break out of my shell and finally do that big thing called sex! Lol but I'm not gonna just give it up because I want to like I want a relationship not just a one night stand...especially for my first time....I guess ill just have to wait and see exactly what happens lol

You know what else I was thinking. I'm here its 2:30 am and I wish I had someone to text...I mean I wish I had someone to text anytime of the day but I'm just sitting here alone bored out of my mind! And noones awake! Lol but that is something I've always wanted is someone to text during the day who makes me smile and just someone I know ill probably never meet face to face but just to text and send crazy pics to each other and just be cool! That would be soo awesome!

Here are some questions for readers to answer just to get to know people better. I always like to know people better and love meeting people.

Does anyone have a texting buddy? How was everyone elses first times? Or is there any other virgins like me =) would be awesome to hear some first time stories or anything really lol you can email me or leave a comment either way =)

If your reading this just know I think your awesome! ;)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Gorgeous!

So today is Zac Efrons birthday!!!!! Happy birthday Zac.

He is 22 today and I would have posted 22 pictures but I think this is enough =)

The things I would do to go to his birthday party! (The things I would do to him at his birthday party lol)

Its also been a while since I posted here's a lot I know I've posted most of them before but oh well lol he is still hot either way.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Im not in high school anymore stop acting like it! oh ya i came out lol

So todays post was tooootally gonna be focused on how I shaved my legs for the first time since I was on the swim team months and months and months ago. But I actually have some drama to share today lol.

So as you all know I really really really like J. And my best friend K hates her...with a passion. She was the one who introduced me to her in the first place and we all used to be friends until j screwed k over in some way I'm not to clear about anyways. So we were talking today, oh I came out to her today but I will explain that later. So we were just talking about people I like and she was very persistant in knowing and I just knew she was gonna get mad cause she always gets mad when I talk about J. But I told her anyways I mean she already knows I like her but I guess she hates hearing it eventhough she always brings her up. So anyways I told her J is who I liked and she got a little mad and she said she's only a little mad and she would get over it and she was done talking to me. So then I got a little mad because she never likes to talk about her problems and I am the one who does like to talk about my problems. So I kept telling her how I felt and it just got sooo stupid! She actually gave me permission to go for jessica and if something did happen she wouldn't get mad.....whatever that's a lie! But its soo frustrating but I have decided I am gonna go for J I want a special someone and it very well could be J. So I'm gonna do it!

So anyways I came out to K today. she asked me if I was gay and I asked her what made her think that way and she told me its just the way you are. I didn't know where to be offended or what to think. So I asked it that was a bad thing and she said no shed love me no matter what and I just got tired of playing around and I just told her exactly what I told all of you. Exactly the same thing. She didn't seem to mind. It might be a little weird to be around her now that I have told her. But I don't even want to think about seeing her cause I'm sooo frustrated with her! Lol so idk what's gonna happen.

I guess it sucked that right after I told her I liked boys as well we talked about J and she got all pissed off.

But besides you all I haven't came out to anyone so know that I have I'm kinda glad I did.

So anyways I just had to get this stupid high school drama off my chest! Its soo ridiculous! Lol

But I did come out today to one person.

And I shaved my legs...let's talk about that lol

I actually cheated and used veet...I like nair better but had veet so I used it lol. I love how smooth my legs are and think I'm gonna have to keep this up lol I just hate shaving them its such a hassle and annoying lol

Friday, October 16, 2009

hahaha some cool survey

Ok so these survey things used to be huuuuge on myspace and I would sit there and do survey after survey after survey and then I got tired of it but that was a long time ago and then I saw this survey on Bens Blog and thought it was pretty cool so decided to fill it out =)

By the way thanks!

1. First thing you wash in the shower? My arms idk why it just happens lol

2. What color is your favorite hoodie? Its a bright blue its awesome!

3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? YES! And probably will kiss them again this weekend! It was J lol

4. Do you plan outfits every day? I'm a fashion major....of course! Lol

5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? UGH like I have to much drama in my life.

6. What’s the closest thing to you that's red? Lol a hot dog on a stick toy hat that I pinned on my wall haha it has some red in it.

7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? I was with some friends and A was there and some other hot guy and everyone was naked lol it was a pretty hot dream lol

8. Did you meet anybody new today? Nope

9. What are you craving right now? A big tommy burger!

10. Do you floss? Of Course! I take very good care of my teeth.

11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?

12. Are you emotional? I guess you could say I am sometimes.

13. Have you ever counted to 1,000? In english and in spanish =)

14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? Definetly lick it! I don't think I've met someone who bites it lol

15. Do you like your hair? Lol ya its pretty crazy lol I get looks when I'm out in public hahaha

16. Do you like yourself? Of course I love myself.

17. Would you go out to eat with George Bush? I guess maybe I can ask him a bunch of gay questions lol

18. What are you listening to right now? Heidi Montag lol I love heidis music haha

19. Are your parents strict? Ha! No way! Lol one is kinda annoying though haha

20. Would you go sky diving? Yes very soon actually I just gotta take this class or seminar or something lol

21. Do you like cottage cheese? Eww!!!! No!

22. Have you ever met a celebrity? Um...LA is filled with them. I've partied with celebrities.

23. Do you rent movies often? Ya sometimes....depends on if I have the money lol

24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in? Yep! The shirt I wore for the fashion show I was in!

25. How many countries have you visited? Canada..... that's it.....australia soon hopefully!

26. Have you made a prank phone call? Hehehehe yep! Loooove them!

27. Ever been on a train? Of course! Trains are awesome choo choo! Lol

28. Brown or white eggs? Brown eggs...they seem more organic lol

29. Do you have a cell-phone? Of course that's how I have a social life haha

30. Do you use chap stick? I go through a tube of carmex every 2 say ya lol

31. Do you own a gun? Hahahaha I can think of plenty of ways this question can be dirty =) hahaha

32. Can you use chop sticks? Yes. I like using chopsticks more than forks cause it makes me look smarter lol. And plus I eat a lot of sushi

33. Who are you going to be with tonight? Me, myself, and I......sadly

34. Are you too forgiving? UGH unfortunetly! I don't know how to hold a grudge cause I end up missing the person too much lol

35. Ever been in love? Not in love love I guess...I'm in love with a lot of people but not that way haha

36. What is your best friend(s) doing tomorrow? School I guess idk we are in a weird place right now.....sounds crazy right?

37. Ever have cream puffs? Cream puffs? Hahaha

38. Last time you cried? Awwww when I watched the color purple the day I was super sick! That movie is something else! I cried like 10 times!

39. What was the last question you asked? What's your problem?!

40. Favorite time of the year? My birthday lol

41. Do you have any tattoos? Not yet ;)

42. Are you sarcastic? Sometimes. I guess.. lol

43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? I loove that movie and ashton kutcher is hot! Lol

44.Ever walked into a wall? Hahaha ya those crazy drunken nights hahaha

45. Favorite color? Pink, Green, and leopard print! I know that's not a color but whatevs! I love it!

46. Have you ever slapped someone? Not in the face ;) hehehe

47. Is your hair curly? Nope! Straight as a bored.

48. What was the last CD you bought? The cranberries 20th century masters collection =)

49. Do looks matter? Of course they always do! Lol

50. Could you ever forgive a cheater? Knowing me ya probably.

51. Is your phone bill sky high? OMG yes! And I have noo way to pay it!

52. Do you like your life right now? Of course I do I always love my life.

53. Do you sleep with the TV on? Ya but it always goes to that screensaver thing for the dvd player cause I always watch a movie when I'm going to bed.

54. Can you handle the truth? Yes! I hate when people can't tell me something because they think I won't be able to handle it lol

55. Do you have good vision? Perfect vision! The eye doctor even said so!

56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? Lol I hate a lot of people and a lot of people hate me but that's old high school drama lol

57. How often do you talk on the phone? Allll the time! Like aaaallll the time!

58. The last person you held hands with? J =) and hopefully this weekend too =)

59. What are you wearing? A short I got at disneyland, and some track pants, I'm getting ready to go for a jog =)

60.What is your favorite animal? My Cute doggy!

61. Where was your default picture taken at? Bathroom.....

62. Can you hula hoop? I looove to hula hoop!!!! I used to be sooo good I could hula hoop around my waist, neck, arm and wrist! 63. Do you have a job? Nope....I'm a bum lol

64. What was the most recent thing you bought? Um....cigarettes lol I know bad habit lol

65. Have you ever crawled through a window? Hahahaha ya!

LOL! A Little Experiment

Ok so I'm laying in bed and I have the worst headache in the entire world! So I'm texting K and she tells me the funniest thing I have heard in a long time.

Orgasms relieve headache symptoms. So she told me to go masurbate and let her know how it works. The first though that came into my head was how ridiculous that sounds! And I just laughed and laughed soo hard (making my headache worse) and then I thought that its kinda weird to talk to her about that kind of stuff (we don't talk about my sexual anything lol) but anyways I decided to google it and I read some articles and its suppossed to work!

Has anyone else head of this? Suppossedly it releases endorphins and it also redirects the blood flow from your head. I haven't tried it yet. But I will let you guys know! Its 12:25 right now and I'm saving it as a draft, gonna go do my thing and then tell you the result. Just a little experiment id thought id share with everyone =)

Saving as a draft 12:25 am

Ok so it is now 1:20am and I tried my little experiment and I have the results

So my headache is still there a little bit but it almost went away. I know during the process it wasn't there but afterwards it was there a little not as bad as before but still there. And the more time that passes it just keeps coming back so all in all I would say it doesn't work....

I have to admt it was a fun little experiment ;)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Are we addicted?

So the other day I was thinking how much time I spend on the internet. Whether its on facebook, myspace, twitter, or blogger posting or reading other peoples blogs or even looking at some hot guy take his clothes off. Either way I spend about 75% of my day online, 20% texting, and the other 5% sleeping. I will be online sooo late at night even when I know I have to wake up the next day at a ridiculous early hour. And most of it is blogger and porn. Maybe its because I have no life right now you know being single and not working and stuff but whatever the case may be I know I spend way too much time online.

If you look at my web history its obvious I like to look at porn (I mean who doesn't haha) and that's mostly the entire web history with twitter coming in second. I don't necissarily think its a bad thing. What else is a bored 19 yr old boy gonna do while all alone in his room lol.

Do you think the internet is a complete waste of time? I mean obviously its good for research and stuff but myspace? Facebook? TWITTER? I mean seriously what is twitter really good for? Don't get me wrong I love twitter and I twitter all the time but seriously? What is the big deal. Half those people following me I don't even know! Lol

So I guess the point I'm trying to make is, is the internet just an excuse to not have a social life? I know people are soo bad that they would rather stay home look at porn and j.o than go out with friends! That's soo crazy! I guess we just have the internet there when we are who really knows. I love it and I guess that's never gonna change haha

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

my coming out......fantasy?

So first of all I want to warn you. I am sooo sick right now so if none of this makes sense I apologize. So on with my post. Lol

So I was laying in bed thinking how if I had a boyfriend he could come over and nurse me back to health lol and I thought if I did have a boyfriend and I told him to come over what would my moms first reaction be? See I know she wouldn't do anything drastic like disown me or anything (it'd probably be one of those situations where she placed bets with someone lol) I know she would be totally cool with it. Whatever. But the thing is I want to make sure I have a reason to come out. I mean I know I'm into guys for sure but what's the point if I don't have anyone to bring home?

So I was thinking about ways to come out and I did think of the perfect way.

I envision it around christmas or thanksgiving time when its all cold outside and I get to wear all the hot winter lines. And I'm living on my own in my cute little apartment. And I'm out shopping looking hot and I see the perfect guy. A Zac or a Jake or even a Ryan(not saying I would take someone with another name but its a fantasy lol) So I meet my Zac, Jake, or Ryan in the store and we just instantly know how much we want to be together and so we go out for coffee, then a dinner, and a few more dates and then its thanksgiving time and things are a little serious. I tell my mom I might bring someone to thanksgiving dinner this year. (Knowing her she wouldn't think anything of it) Then thanksgiving rolls around (I am not a big fan of Thanksgiving so if I had someone with me this year would be awesome) so thanksgiving rolls around and its time to go home with my Zac, Jake, or Ryan. I introduce him to everyone, everyone likes him already. Not introducing him as my boyfriend quite yet (they can figure it out) not being to affectionate, I wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfortable. So we sit next to each other and just talk and eat and just have a good time and then its after dinner and we watch a movie or something and I get cold and snuggle up to him and just act like its the most normal thing in the world. And then its time for bed (assuming we stay the night which probably won't happen) we both go to sleep together and maybe not do anything...or maybe we would get freaky in my old room....sounds hot! Lol anyways just sleep in the same bed and then wake up together (by this time I'm sure my mom has to wonder and be talking lol) and then get up shower (maybe together, maybe not, might be too weird lol) and then say bye to everyone and the leave.

That's how I imagine me coming out to my mom cause it would be that simple my mom wouldn't care if she was absolutly 100% sure he was my boyfriend she would probably say something about being safe lol. (She does that now and I haven't even had sex yet haha)

So that's my coming out fantasy because it has been in my mind. I just want a boyfriend. Being sick has definetly made me realize how much I want someone who would drop everything to come and lay with me and not worry about how sick I was and feed me some soup and make me take my medicine and nurse me back to health.

So where are you Zac, Jake, or Ryan? Come to me already!!! (Oh and again, any name would be perfect I just love those names for guys lol)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

So back to my life

So after I ranted a little bit and vented about this whole mess. I can post about the happenings in my world lol

So me and K sorta had a text fight. I know sounds lame but its true. I made the mistake of talking about J and she got soo mad! See she hates J and I told her I liked J and she wasn't talking to me. I got a little frustrated anyways so there's was a side of me that didn't want her to text me back. But I am not the type of person that runs away from my problems. I like to talk about it and evaluate whatever. We made up by the end of the day but I was still a little mad.

So anyways J was out of town this weekend and she came back today I have to text her tomorrow to ask how her weekend was just to keep her talking to me lol. I've decided I'm just gonna go for her. No matter what K says I am gonna see if me and J can work out.

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.

The only reason I haven't been talking about a boy lately is because there's sadly no boys in my life to talk about....see A I haven't seen him in like a million years and he's expecting a baby (who's probably not his) and he has a controlling girlfriend. I hope I can see him soon. Just to talk to him and look at him lol. He is sooo fu*king hot! Omg! And he is soo nice i have to admit I think about something that happened with him at least once a day.

So anyways nothings really been happening in my life except for the whole J thing which hopefully works out.

Don't forget to read and comment my post topic of the day.

topic of the day

So as I have read and been informed today is National Coming Out Day or something like that.

So this actually frustrates me a little bit. I've blogged about it before and I'm gonna blog about it now and probably blog about it again...

This idea that people need to be forced to come out is soo frustrating! I know its not healthy to be "in the closet" your whole life but what's the rush? I don't understand why people are soooo insistant on having everyone come out.

Who does a "closeted" gay person owe? What difference is it gonna make if they tell someone they are gay!

Coming out is a very hard and emotional experience that needs to happen at ones own time not according to someone else.

So its not just the fact its "National Coming Out Day" that I am posting this blog, I was on twitter today (I'm a huge twitter fan) and I will admit I follow chris crocker (you know "leave britney alone") I am a fan of his videos and just him in general but he tweeted something that made me a little mad.... here's his tweet

"Closet cases are just as bad as gay bashers. They hold the gay community back with self-hate. if you're not standing tall, why stand at all?" -Chris Crocker

Who is he to say that? How is someone who's "in the closet" self hating? Self hate? Really?

See I wouldn't consider myself "in the closet". If someone asked me straight out if I liked boys I would say "yes I do is that a problem?" I wouldn't mind but I'm not gonna just announce it to the whole world! For what? What's the point? Its not gonna make any difference if people know or if they don't.

A question you might have is why I don't reveal my identity here on blogger. People I blog about I'm sure would not appreciate mine and their stories. I hope that makes sense....

So let's just say....I will never force anyone to come out...if they don't want the world to know then so be it! Who cares who you sleep with? It shouldn't matter!

So anyways lol I would love to hear everyones thoughts on this. Comment and I will email you and maybe we can discuss it further I would love to hear an opposite point of view.....

I'm not here to bash anyones opinions that's not what I want to do I just am stating my opinion =)

Oh and p.s I replied to chris crocker on twitter let's see if he replies back let's see if he is too chicken hahaha just kidding lol

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Im back!

Hey guys! Sorry I've been gone for soo long now its been like a week since I posted. I didn't get home until like Tuesday and then I was in this crazy cleaning mode! Like I cleaned my room from top to bottom I was washing the walls! I'm a huge clean freak if its not clean like I want it I won't do anything else until it is as clean as it should be!

So anyways let's talk about me "weekend" I put it in quotes cause it last from fri. Til Tuesday lol. So anyways as you know I was in a fashion show and that was amazing! I did soo good! I don't want to sound concided but I did do an awesome job! So after the fashion show, we were on our way to the fashion show after party and we get a call and say it was cancelled! we were sooo dissapointed! So we were asking people if there's a party anywhere..I mean its Saturday night there's bound to be a party somewhere so we find out about this one party but we have to bring our own alcohol....damn! Its like 930 pm and here they only sell hard alcohol in liquor stores and they are only open til like 8 or 9 soooo we were like what are we gonna do. So we went to a store and ended up buying beer, sparks and this bottle of cheap watermelon flavor liquer idk it was weird lol. Now I hate beer so I was dissapointed but I wasn't planning to drink that much anyways so I didn't really care.

So we buy or beer and stuff and then someone calls us and tells us to wait at the store cause she's gonna meet us there...oook so we waited for a while and we were gonna leave and then we get another phone call from none other than J's sister! Omg! All these thoughts ran through my head like am I gonna see J that night, what's gonna happen?! I started to get excited! The more excited I got you could see it in my face and K noticed and didn't really like that idea too much. (She hates that I like J) So I am waiting and waiting for them to come I'm not even sure if J is in the car but I am hoping! Soo they finally pull up and J is in the car! I got soooo happy! The first thing J did when she got out of the car is come to me and give me a big hug and she licked my face lol. Normally I would be tootally grossed out and like eww get away from me but it was J I didn't mind lol. So we sat there and talked for a few and we decided to go to seperate parties and meet at one party later. So J kinda kidnapped me and just brought me in her car and she kinda cuddled with me in the back seat which was awesome. We even kissed a few times!

So I ended up going to this other party with J and her sister and her cousin, and it was fun....I took two shots of vodka (mmm delicious) and me and J were inseperable! We really were. Where I would go she would go and vice versa! I loved it! We kissed a lot! This guy even pulled out his dick and was showing it off and I didn't even care cause I was soo wrapped up in J I didn't care what was going on around me lol.

So after a while of being bored at that party we went to the party where K was at. And what a mistake that was. The kind of people that were at this party were the scary emo/scary punk kids who got drunk and screamed all the time....seriously they needed to was gross! Ewww I just wanted to me and J and her sister were just outside talking cause we didn't want to be there. Idk where her cousin so it was fun. And then after a long time they had to leave to go pick up another friend cause we decided we were gonna go back to J's house and hang out. So they left me alone there....but I found someone who was super funny and awesome to hang out with so it was all good.

K was sooo mad at me cause I wasn't spending anytime with her cause I was with J the whole night so she wouldn't even talk to me nothing it was ridiculous and I was going home with her so I was like uggh whatevs lol we didn't make up until on our way home lol.

so we ended up going home and then just falling asleep it was like 4 in the morning lol I really wish I could have seen J again that night but I didn't and I was kinda sad about that but it was ok cause we made out soo much that night. And when they left she wanted me to go with her sooo bad! Like really bad she was begging for me to go but there was absolutly no room after she would go pick up her friends so I didn't....but its ok lol.

So the next night....we were going to have a litttle get together and do peoples hair. We had some people over and it was fun I had a lot of fun! We were all doing hair and coloring it and cutting it and we were trying to find a party to go to after but nothing....until....J's sister called and said to come over! Omg yay! I get to see J two nights in a row! It turned out we didn't go cause we couldn't get in touch with anyone (I found out later they got really drunk and we should have just came over) but oh well I was tired anyways so after everyone left after getting their hair done we just kinda went to bed...but I was ok with that I guess....

And then I went home and just rested from getting no sleep from the other nights lol

So that was my "weekend" sorry it was soo long but I guess a lot of stuff happened! Lol

Friday, October 2, 2009

quick post

so I gotta make this quick cause im absolutly exxhausted! I'm so tired right now but felt the need to post for some

I'm with K for like a weekend and then some...I'm gonna be in a fashion show on Saturday so I am with her to help get the dance moves and stuff ready...its pretty exciting! So that's what's going on...I had to leave my dog at home which sucks cause that's like leaving my own kid! I hate it!

I heard on Saturday night there's a big after party so I'm sooo excited about that! But it is just gonna be a bunch of girls nd a few gay guys..if any lol. But I'm excited! Gonna get wasted lol. I've been feeling a little sick lately...I don't know why! I've been going crazy with the eating thing so that might be it lol.

J texted me a little bit today. I love talking to her. If I ever was to get involved with a girl I would definetly want it to be her =)

OMG the funniest thing happened to me and K were driving and in the car in front of us there was this girl giving head to the guy driver! It was soo funny! I've always wanted to see that cause I didn't think people actually do that! But I guess they do lol I told K to drive up next to them so we can take pictures hahaha jk jk that would be creepy lol but it was still pretty funny lol

Well I think I better go I will catch up on everyones blogs tomorrow I'm really tired right now so I will do my reading tomorrow lol

Goodnight everyone and have an awesome weekend if I don't post anything until then =)